Black Receives Beating From White Man After Randomly Punching White Woman

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 10, 2013

Let’s take a minute and just think about the fact that blacks are, en masse, running up and punching White women on the street, simply because they are White.


These people are randomly attacking our women on the street.

Blacks must be removed from our society, peaceably or otherwise.  This simply cannot go on any longer.

As the watermark indicates, this video was originally posted on the black ‘World Star Hip-Hop’ website, which regularly hosts videos of this type of violent attack.

One commenter there appears to be getting it:

commentNo, we ain’t.

2014 will be the year White people wake up to the problems we are dealing with as a race, and this isn’t going to bode well for the parasitical blacks who feed off the fruits of our labor while attacking us on the street.