Black Refused Bail for Murder of White Police Officer

December 12, 2013

Victor Edwar Decker. His wife says their daughter reminds her of him regularly
Viktor Decker had only been married for a year and a half when he was killed in cold blood by two Blacks. His eight-month-old daughter will never know her father.

One of two men accused of killing an off-duty Norfolk police officer in 2010 was denied bond Wednesday morning.

WAVY News’ Ava Hurdle was in the courtroom for Kareem Turner’s bond hearing in Virginia Beach. Turner was indicted on charges of second degree murder, armed robbery, use of a firearm in the commission of a felon and conspiracy.

Kareem Turner
Kareem Turner. Kareem Turner and Raymond Perry went on an armed robbery rampage that has already cost Perry 90 years of jail time. The killing of Officer Decker took place within a week of 3 armed robberies, all within 3 miles of each other.

Turner and Raymond Perry are the two suspects charged with Officer Victor Decker’s death. He was found shot to death in Virginia Beach on Oct. 26, 2010.

Turner was arrested more than two years later.

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