Black Robber Found Guilty of Multiple Stabbings and Murders of White People

The Denver Channel
August 25, 2015

Kellene Fallon was brutally stabbed to death because she saw the Black robber’s face.

The man accused in the gruesome stabbing of five people in a Denver bar has been found guilty of multiple counts of murder, robbery, attempted robbery and arson.

Jurors will now begin the next phase of Dexter Lewis’ trial, to determine whether he will face the death penalty for his crimes.

Prosecutors say the murders were part of a robbery at Fero’s Bar and Grill that netted Lewis and two cohorts a paltry $170.

On October 17, 2012, a Glendale police officer saw smoke coming from the bar on South Colorado Boulevard.  He called firefighters.

The firefighters retrieved five victims from the burning building.  All five were covered with blood.

Ross Richter was also killed by the Black knifeman.

The Coroner determined the victims had all been stabbed multiple times.

Prosecutors say three men went to the bar with Lewis.  Brothers Joseph and Lynell Hill pleaded guilty under deals with prosecutors. The fourth, Demarea Harris, a confidential federal informant wasn’t charged.

Harris and Lynell Hill say Lewis stabbed all five people. Joseph Hill initially agreed to testify against Lewis, but later refused.

Lewis allegedly told his cellmate that he had to kill everyone in the bar because they’d seen his face as he killed the first victim. Those killed were bar owner Young Fero, 63; Daria M. Pohl, 21; Kellene Fallon, 44; Ross Richter, 29; and Tereasa Beesley, 45.

After killing everyone, Dexter Lewis then set fire to the bar.

Jurors began deliberating Wednesday.

In the end, they convicted Lewis on:

  • Five counts of First Degree Murder after Deliberation
  • Five counts of Felony First Degree Murder
  • Four counts of Attempted Aggravated Robbery
  • One count of Aggravated Robbery
  • One count of Arson

On Tuesday, Jurors will be back in court for the sentencing phase.They’ll hear about aggravating factors first, and then will hear about mitigating factors.