Black Robber Strips After Holding-Up Church’s Chicken

January 23, 2014

“We found pieces of clothing behind a business across the street from Church’s Chicken,” Jones explained. “Gloves and clothing items, and shoes even. The guy even took off his shoes.”

This crime went down at Church’s Chicken on Rossville Boulevard on the first Monday of the new year. Chattanooga Police Sgt. Daniel Jones picks up the story. “They’re getting ready to close, so they’re counting up the till,” he said, “counting up everything in the register, and he comes in right as they’re doing that.”

The man pulled a gun, then jumped the front counter. “And once he jumps the counter,” Sgt. Jones continued, “he pulls everybody out of the office and has everybody throw money into, it was almost like a little shopping bag.”

Once he collected all of the cash, the bad guy dashed out back across Rossville Boulevard, and out of sight. As officers searched the restaurant and surrounding area, they made a strange discovery. “We found pieces of clothing behind a business across the street from Church’s Chicken,” Jones explained. “Gloves and clothing items, and shoes even. The guy even took off his shoes.”

Considering it only got up to 37° that day, it was likely an outer layer meant to hide his identity. At that, he succeeded. “The problem is that we don’t have that good of pictures,” said Jones. “In one of them, he’s actually shielding his face with his hand.”

Investigators believe he is a black male in his 20’s, and they hope he is also a talker. “Someone that is this crafty, they always like to brag,” Sgt. Jones said. “And, someone this crafty is probably going to brag about a robbery; might not be the Church’s Chicken robbery, but it’s probably a robbery.”

If he has talked to you, or you have heard about the crime, the money he stole, or his plan to strip during his getaway, a reward is available for your good information. “Anyone with any tip whatsoever,” Jones explained, “it’s completely anonymous. They call in, and if your tip helps us out with an arrest, we’ll turn around and give you cash.”

Up to $1,000 is available if you have the information we need

Call Crime Stoppers at: 698-3333.