Black Savage Ape Shot White Cop Because of Islam – It has Nothing to Do with Islam Though

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 28, 2018

A Black ambushed a White cop in the name of Islam.

It has nothing to do with Islam.


Officials said Edward Archer, the suspect in custody, was charged with attempted murder and held without bail Saturday in connection with the shooting of a Philadelphia police officer.

Archer, 30, of Yeadon is facing eight charges including attempted murder, aggravated assault and assault of a law enforcement officer in the shooting of Officer Jesse Hartnett.

According to police, Archer confessed to the crime, saying he did it “in the name of Islam.”

Commissioner Richard Ross provided the update during a news conference on Friday afternoon. He said there was no indication from Archer that he was involved in a conspiracy.

Archer allegedly told authorities he targeted an officer because police defend laws that are contrary to the Quran.