Black Sentence for Killing White Kid – The Real Victim is the Murderer’s Mother

Daily Stormer
March 11, 2015

Mychal King, age 17
Mychal King, age 17

Right now I am weeping for this big black mama who is having her son taken away from her by these rassises.


Seventeen-year-old Mychal King will spend at least the next 25 years of his life in prison for the stabbing death of Jason Paul, 22, two years ago near Crest Lake Park in Clearwater.

King was 15 years old when he repeatedly plunged a knife into Paul in a fit of rage. They were total strangers. Police say King was angry at his mother the day of the murder and vowed to kill the first person he came across.

“I think she needs to take responsibility for the fact that she failed being a parent to him,” victim’s mother, Renee Langfritz, said.

And so he did.

King was supposed to face trial for Paul’s murder today but entered a guilty plea, instead.

At the sentencing Langfritz called King “an evil, soulless human being.”

King’s mother, Kathleen King, told the judge, “He’s not a bad kid.”

Family members and friends described Paul as a bright, energetic young man who loved his family.

“He was my travel buddy,” Paul’s grandmother, Marilyn Paul, said.

Paul’s mother told the judge King robbed her of becoming a grandmother someday.

“You took away our hopes and dreams as parents,” she told King during his sentencing.