Black Serial Abuser of Women Shot Dead After Killing White Girlfriend

July 17, 2014

Cindy Raygoza was stabbed to death by the Black brute shortly before the Police burst in and shot it to death.

Michael Reams — who was shot by a Fresno police officer Monday after he stabbed a woman to death — faced domestic violence charges with different victims in different times in his life, court documents reveal.

Besides the domestic violence charges, Reams, 47, skipped court dates, violated probation and displayed bad behavior in court, the documents showed.

Reams was first charged with assault with a deadly weapon in 1990. For that offense, he said in a letter in his court file that he completed a domestic violence class, but not one for anger management.

Misdemeanor domestic violence charges were filed against Reams again in 2001 involving another victim.

Then in 2002, Reams was sentenced to 12 years in prison after hospitalizing yet another woman listed as his spouse or the parent of his child. Reams pleaded guilty to spousal abuse, assault and terrorist threats in that case.

Michael A. Reams was a continual woman beater, having been convicted for attacking women at least three times before now.

Reams wrote a letter to the judge apologizing for his bad behavior in court. He admitted to being belligerent and disrespectful.

Reams stabbed 45-year-old Cindy Raygoza to death in southeast Fresno on Monday minutes before Fresno police forced entry into an El Dorado Street apartment and shot him during a confrontation, Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said during a news conference.

Emergency medical personnel performed CPR on both Reams and Raygoza, but both died.

The officer who fired the shots was put on paid administrative leave, Dyer said.

Records show that police responded to the El Dorado Street residence in February for a domestic violence report involving the same couple, Dyer said. Reams was arrested, but no formal charges were filed.

How many more White women have to die before they stop putting themselves in danger by sleeping with these beasts?