Black Serial Rapist Found Guilty Once Again of Raping White Schoolgirl

Your Local Guardian
May 26, 2015

The park in Carshalton where the rapes took place.

A serial rapist who preyed on women as they walked through parks late at night has been found unanimously guilty.

Daniel Elliott screamed at one of his victim’s family “what are you looking at, yeah, what are you looking at me for?” after the verdicts had been announced.

The Sutton Guardian can now report that Elliott, 24, of Rosewell Close, Anerley, had only recently been released from a young offender institution for raping an exchange student in 2010.

At the time Elliott, told the woman, who had only arrived in the country two days previously that he would help her after she became separated from her friends in the Clock House Road area of Beckenham.

Instead he led her down a path then dragged her into an alleyway and raped her.

He was sentenced at Croydon Crown Court to 63 months.

Daniel Elliott had only just been let out of prison for raping a Polish exchange student when he pounced on the schoolgirls.

Today, five years later, a jury of seven men and five women took little over half a day to find Elliott, guilty of a further five charges, two of rape, one of attempted rape and two of sexual assault, against three females, all carried out after his release.

His latest attacks happened between August 3 and November 15, 2014.

During the first attack Elliott grabbed a Polish woman from behind as she walked through Mellows Park before groping her.

The second took place in Beddington Park when he attacked a schoolgirl’s boyfriend before raping her.

Elliot would later rape a schoolgirl in Grove Park, again after attacking and threatening the girl’s boyfriend.

Sentencing is set to take place on Friday, June 19.

Despite his obvious guilt, the jury still took over half a day to find him guilty.