Black Serial Rapist of White Women Takes Back His Guilty Plea

May 12, 2014

Katherine “Kadi” Crnkovich may have to relive the sickening attack all over again in cour,t if the judge accepts the Black beast’s change of plea.

KETV NewsWatch 7 was there as Anthony Vaughn went back-and-forth with prosecutors the morning his trial in a series of serial rapes was set to begin.

In the end, the trial never happened.

Vaughn instead struck a deal, changing his not guilty pleas to no contest pleas. Judge Mark Ashford found the 42-year-old guilty — setting him up for nearly 140 years in prison.

“He will be behind bars for the rest of his life,” Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine said of the deal. The bargain also meant Vaughn’s victims wouldn’t have to testify in court.

Anthony Vaughn struck a deal so that he would not have to face a trial, but would get 140 years in prison.

Now, a new court filing shows Vaughn has had a change of heart. The convicted rapist wants the judge to throw out his no contest pleas. He made that intention clear in a letter dated May 2.

The reason?

“My belief that the assistance of my assigned counselor was ineffective,” Vaughn’s letter reads.

It’s unclear if Judge Ashford will listen to this request. Such requests are rare — and rarer still, a judge agreeing to toss out a plea.

At this point, Vaughn still faces sentencing in July.

Now he has changed his mind and is trying to withdraw his plea.