Black Stabs Homeless White Woman to Death

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
March 29, 2018

Carylon Young.

The homeless are some of the most at risk of spontaneous diversity.


Carylon Young, 60, stabbed Margaret Means in the neck with a knife following an argument in a parking lot in the 1400 block of West Washington Street. The victim’s body was found on Nov. 18, 2016, after an off-duty officer was approached by a man who had heard a man and woman arguing. Means’ body was then found underneath blankets in the southwest corner of the parking lot.

“A cooperating witness told investigators that she had been with Means on the day of the murder,” a news release from the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office said. “The witness stated she observed an argument between Young and Means near the parking lot where Means was later found. The witness attempted to defuse the situation. During the argument, she witnessed Means on the ground and Young standing over her with a knife in his hands. Young then stabbed Means in the neck with the knife.”

Very blurry photo of Margaret Means.