Daily Mail
December 20, 2013

A black Sacramento State University student has sparked outrage after she ‘lynched’ two white males from a tree on campus for an art project that focused on civil rights.
The student, Christina Edwards, a senior, said she chose the ‘race reversal’ performance art because she believed it would send a strong message about the social injustices African Americans suffered and the inequality that still exist today.
And a strong message it has sent, with the University now claiming it didn’t approve of the display that saw the men dangling from the tree with nooses around their necks.
The men were reportedly actors and were not harmed or in danger during the performance, which took place in early December while students were on campus.
They were dangling from the same tree with thick rope, and pictures of the pair were shared on social media.
However, Edwards has vehemently defended her project, telling Fox News in a written statement that she thought using white men would help shine new light on the horrifying time when black people were lynched simply for the color of their skin. She said this was an old but standing matter and she wanted to record the responses of students and others on campus.
She also insisted she followed all campus procedures.