Black Teen Charged as Adult for ‘Disgusting and Horrendous’ Rape

Wisconsin State Journal
December 6, 2013

Adore Thomas boasted to police about raping her so hard that 'it hurts'
Adore Thomas boasted to police about raping her so hard that ‘it hurts’.

A 15-year-old boy was charged Wednesday in adult court with the beating and rape of a 23-year-old woman that happened in August after the woman had jogged to her new home to look it over.

Adore A. Thomas, of Madison, was originally charged in Dane County Juvenile Court, but on Monday his case was waived into adult court. He was charged Wednesday with three counts of first-degree sexual assault, three counts of second-degree sexual assault, attempted robbery, substantial battery and strangulation.

According to a criminal complaint, a police officer who arrived at the scene in the 2200 block of Winnebago Street on Aug. 4 reported that during his time as a police officer, he had never seen a woman so badly bloodied or beaten in the face, head, neck and upper chest area, except for those who had died or would die later.

The woman’s eyes were almost swollen shut, the complaint states, and she had bruising and swelling on her face and head, along with a cut under one eye that required stitches to close.

In court Wednesday, Assistant District Attorney Adrienne Blais called the beating and rape “disgusting and horrendous” and said that Thomas had been in Madison only a short time from Georgia when it happened. She said he has a “significant” juvenile history in Georgia, where his mother still lives.

Attorney Adam Welch, appearing with Thomas, said he lives with his grandmother and is a student at Memorial High School.

Court Commissioner Scott McAndrew set bail at $45,000.

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