Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 6, 2013

We have entered the Twilight Zone. Obama has ordered the American flag to be flown at half mast in honor of Nelson Mandela, a foreign terrorist leader who openly plotted to murder all Whites in South Africa. This is a sign of the highest respect hardly ever given to foreigners. But our black president things this black terrorist who had as his stated purpose the extermination of Whites should be honored in this form.
This is how disconnected the accepted Jewish narrative is from the reality, brothers and sisters. This man should have been executed as a terrorist forty years ago, and here he is, being celebrated as a hero for having led a life of serial murder before ultimately destroying an entire nation.
France and several other White nations are also making this gesture.
Meanwhile, in South Africa, the blacks are preparing to follow through with the dream of their leader and enforce a final solution on the Afrikaners.