Daily Slave
November 26, 2014

The Black terrorist leader Al Sharpton is taking full advantage of the on-going Ferguson circus to push his radical race agitation agenda.
Last night, Sharpton’s organization held demonstrations in 28 cities around America. Clearly Sharpton does not want this issue to rest and wants to create as much discord and animosity as possible. Black people have had their feelings hurt from this grand jury ruling and that cannot stand.
Birmingham is one of 28 cities targeted by the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network for protests after tonight’s expected grand jury announcement in St. Louis County, Missouri on whether white Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson will be indicted for shooting unarmed black teenager Michael Brown.
Birmingham civil rights leaders gathered at Kelly Ingram Park, ready to react to the announcement with a “Hands Up for Justice” rally. Birmingham was the site of peaceful protests led by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. during the civil rights movement in 1963. One of the local organizers said he expects a peaceful rally here and hopes for the same in Ferguson, Mo., as well.
Below is a list of the locations where Sharpton and his Black terrorists made an appearance. I was deeply disappointed to find out that none of his protests are being held in Africa. That’s where all of these protests should be held. I could care less how often they scream about “racist” White people in Africa.
1. ATLANTA, GA: 75 Spring St SW, 2211 U.S. Courthouse
2. ATLANTIC CITY, NJ: 2715 Atlantic Ave
3. BIRMINGHAM, AL: 1729 5th Avenue North (switched to Kelly Ingram Park, 1600 Sixth Avenue North.)
4. BROOKLYN, NY & NYC/Queens: 225 Cadman Plaza E., Brooklyn, NY
5. CAMDEN, NJ: 401 Market Street
6. CHARLESTON, SC: 200 East Bay Street, City of Charleston Police Department,180 Lockwood Blvd
7. CHARLOTTE,NC:401 West Trade Street
8. CHICAGO, IL: 219 S. Dearborn St.
9. CINCINNATI, OH: 550 Main Street
10. CLEVELAND, OH: 801 West Superior Avenue
11. DETROIT, MI: 231 W. Lafayette Blvd.
12. FERGUSON, MO: (Police Department), 222
S. Florissant Road
13. FLORENCE, SC: 401 West Evans St.
14. HOUMA, LA: 7856 Main Street
15. LAFAYETTE, LA: 800 Lafayette Street
16. LOS ANGELES, CA: Courthouse, 255 East Temple
17. MILWAUKEE, WI: 517 E. Wisconsin Ave.
18. NATCHEZ, MS: 109 North Pearl Street
19. NEWARK, NJ: 970 Broad St. (Broad/Walnut Sts.)
20. OAKLAND, CA: 1225 Fallon Street
21. ORLANDO, FL: 401 West Central Boulevard
22. PATERSON, NJ: 401 Grand Street
23. PHILADELPHIA, PA: 601 Market Street
24. PHOENIX,AZ: 400 West Washington
25. SANFORD, FL: 1300 Park Avenue
26. SEATTLE, WA: 700 Steward Street (6th Ave)
27. SYRACUSE, NY: 100 South Clinton Street
28. TALLAHASSEE, FL: 111 South Adams Street