Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 21, 2015
Here in a YouTube clip which epitomizes our age, you have some unfortunate White “anarchists” (drug-rattled street parasites) who apparently missed the memo that we are in the middle of the greatest war of all time: the global race war.
The clip begins with a Black crackhead, in his late fifties or early sixties, rambling incoherently at some super-hardcore and uber-edgy 25-year-old White people who posses a pre-packaged free spirit that allows them to pretend they are 15 for life.
The aged Negroid is accurately describing them as faggots, but is as harmless as any other crackhead in that age range. Anyone who has ever lived in an urban area in America knows of these older crack smokers and knows that while they pose a serious threat to the bicycle on your porch or the lawnmower in your backyard, they pose exactly zero bodily threat.
Despite presumably being aware of the fact that crackhead senior citizen represents no threat, one of the White kids does a cowardly and bizarre flying knee/shoulder-push move on the old man while his back is turned before raising open palms and trying to slap the geriatric Negro.

Like something out of a slapstick comedy, the old man literally beats him with his walking cane and the faggot flees the wrath of a aged crack-addict, running away after having attacked him from behind.

A Black then comes up to the group from which the White attacked the old man. Which, to be perfectly honest, was fair enough. Regardless of skin color, attacking an drug-addled old man – while his head is turned! – is as low as it gets. The Black actually shows restraint. Presumably he had a gun in his belt and could have just shot them all.
Defending his race (Blacks in their racial pride have created a complex fantasy about how they are gods who used to rule the earth), he says “you should be bowing to him,” in reference to the old crackhead who suffered the unprovoked attack, and backs away.
There is a Black with the “anarchist” group, but he is only there for his drug-slut who be has dat sopf hair an dem ping nipples.

The Whites of the group seem to look to him for confirmation they are not doing something evil and racist, and he says, clearly uninterested in the whole ordeal, “it’s like White supremacy but in reverse.”
The Black who defended the old man then returns and says “and just so you know, yalls time is comin, you’re all gonna die.”

The low-testosterone faggot holding the camera is in complete hysterics at this point, and says “who’s that??? Who do you mean yall? You mean White people?”
“You. All.” replies the Black. “All of you people, and all your derivatives. And all the people who love you.” And he turns around and walks away.
“You talking about White people??? You talking about White people??? You’re a racist, dude!” says the utterly ridiculous faggot. As if that any single Black person cares about the term “racist” in any context other than “hey Whitey, do what I want you to do or I’m gonna call you a racist and it’s gonna stir-up that massive guilt-complex you are genetically programed with.”
The camera faggot continues to rant and rave like he’s on PMS about how the Black man is “full of ignorance.”
What exactly is he ignorant about, you silly little girl?
You attacked one of his people, and he told you that he is not only going to kill you, but your entire race. Seems to me that he has a pretty good grasp of the immediate situation as well as the basic, foundational laws of the universe.

We are in the middle of a race war. The Blacks know it. The Mexicans know it. The Moslems know it. And you’d better believe the Jews know it. Everyone on earth knows it except sniveling White cucks who have swallowed this goofy television propaganda about “equality” hook, line and sinker and become the butt of a Yiddish joke.
The Black, from a distance now, shouts “by the end of this year, you’re gonna be dead.”
I wish I could see this faggot’s face in the video. He actually believes that Blacks are what the Jews have told them they are, so seeing a Black man threaten to commit genocide against his race simply did not compute. He acts like this Black man is an individual. But if he was an individual, he wouldn’t have come, with a bunch of other people of the same color, to defend a random person who also has the same color, would he now? You don’t need a doctorate in Aristotelian logic to make this deduction.
The hilarious thing here is, while these “anti-racist anarchists” are out on the streets provoking a race war, there is not a chance in hell I would ever end up in a confrontation like this on the street with Blacks. Because I have a shaved head, I wear fitted black t-shirts, and I’m smart enough to either keep Blacks out of my way or stay out of theirs.
I get respect from Black people because they immediately pick up on the fact that I know the score. They instinctively respect that. That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t murder me in an instant if they got the chance, but they sure as hell wouldn’t start pointless crap with me on the street, nor would I with them.
To prove the reality of what I am saying here, just ask yourself if you have ever seen Blacks protest a White racist organization. Maybe they have, but if they did it was because some Jewish “community organizer” group paid them to. They just don’t care what we’re doing, and they tend to respect us.
The people they hate with the fierce passion are the weak Whites who pander to them. They hate them because of that weakness. Black people are wild animals, they smell that weakness and it makes them want to kill.
Blacks, very literally, view people like these SJW homos as food.
Back before the feminization of society in America, during segregation, every Black man you ever met on the street was gonna call you “sir.” Now they call us “faggot” instead, because that’s what we’ve become. A bunch of complete faggots.
You can really look at the present state of Black hatred for Whites as a manifestation of their anger over the White refusal to play their role as master. When we were their masters, they loved us.
And these particular faggots – the “anarchists” – are the exact same people who will rush Stormfront meet-ups and hit old guys with hammers while they’re eating lunch because they want to “stop hate.”

And I’ll tell you what – I don’t think in a million years you could find a White man at a Stormfront meeting who would ever even consider jumping on an old guy’s back while his head is turned.
I personally don’t even hate Black people. I think they’re stupid, ridiculous, parasitical and violent, and I think it is suicidally insane to have them in your society and pretend they are equal to you, but the emotion associated with those positions is not hate. In fact, it isn’t an emotional position.
Only women, children and faggots base their worldview their emotions. I am a heterosexual adult male, and my views on Blacks are based on a logical assessment of the situation on the ground.