Black Throws a Puppy Out of a Third Story Window

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 9, 2017

Dogs are honorary Whites and should never be in the presence of a Black.


A Trenton man is accused of throwing his 4-month-old puppy out of a third-floor window.

Investigators say 19-year-old Anthony Matlock threw the American Staffordshire terrier out the window during a fit of rage.

The puppy, named Duchess, landed in a vacant property a few feet away.

Crews found the puppy severely injured and transported it to CARES Veterinary Hospital in Langhorne, Pennsylvania, where doctors were able to save the dog’s broken right leg with surgery.

“She just got the staples removed yesterday. I’m amazed at how fast she’s recovering because it’s two weeks out,” said Murphy. “I don’t know how anybody could do what they did to her.”

He has been issued a summons for third degree animal cruelty.

Anthony Matlock.