Black Thug Arrested for Threatening to Kill Police Officers

NY Post
January 7, 2014

Rayshawn Dixon called 911 saying he wanted to kill some cops.

A man was busted for phoning in threats to the NYPD, saying he was “dying to kill police,” cops said Friday.

Rayshawn Dixon, 28, was charged with making terrorist threats on Tuesday morning after sources said he called 911 shortly before 5 a.m.

“He told 911 operators he had a gun and if the police showed up, he was gonna use it,” the source said of Dixon’s arrest.

After telling authorities he was on 91st Street between Fifth and Columbus avenues, he called 911 again to ask why no cops had responded to the scene. Police pinged Dixon’s phone to a Domino’s Pizza on West 93rd Street, where he was cuffed and taken into custody.

He said he had a loaded gun and if any cops were sent around he would shoot them.

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