Black Thug Fired 30 Shots into Car in “Attempted Robbery” That Killed White Teenager

December 27, 2014

Paige Stalker was just 16-years-old when she was killed by wild Blacks sharing the same territory as her.

Police now say that the shooting that led to the death of 16-year-old Grosse Pointe teen Paige Stalker may have been an attempted robbery.

Three other teens – a girl and two boys – suffered non-life threatening injuries when the car they were sitting in was shot up. Officers say as many as 30 shots were fired into the car.

Police are still searching for a suspect in the case. They say the teens originally told them stories that just didn’t add up.

Demetrius Herndon was one of those also injured in the car.

However, officers now say they have gotten a very clear description of the man who fired into the car. He is described as African American. He is about 6 feet tall and was wearing camo fatigues and maybe a bullet proof vest.

Police believe they are getting closer to figuring out who exactly he is.

Two of the teens have been released from the hospital. The third, a 16-year-old boy, is still being treated.