Black Thug Indicted for Shooting White Police Officer in the Face

NY Post
June 12, 2015

Police Officer Brian Moore was shot in the face and killed by the creature when he asked it what was in its waistband.

A Queens grand jury has indicted the ​man authorities say fatally shot a young cop in the face ​when the officer asked to see what was in his waistband.

Demetrius Blackwell, 35, will be brought to Queens Supreme Court from jail at 2 p.m. Thursday to answer to the indictment, which charges him in the murder of Police Officer Brian Moore three ways, under three separate statutes.

Demetrius Blackwell also shot at the dead police officer’s partner through the car window.

The top murder charge, aggravated murder, accuses Blackwell of intentionally killing a police officer in the line of duty. If convicted of that charge, Blackwell would be thrown in prison for life, without the possibility of parole. That sentence would be mandatory, meaning a sentencing judge would have no option to give him less.

Blackwell is also charged with first​-​degree murder for allegedly intentionally killing a police officer, and second​-​degree murder for intentionally causing someone’s death.

Police with pitch forks and rakes, not to lynch the criminal ape, but to help find the murder weapon which it had thrown away.

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