Black Thug Stabbed White Teenager to Death as He Courageously Tried to Save His Friend

Daily Mail
July 17, 2015

Joshua Bradley went to help his friend who was being kicked in the head by Blacks, so they stabbed him through the heart for his bravery.

A thug who murdered a teenager by stabbing him to death when he tried to save his friend in a street attack has been jailed for life.

Evil Richard Johnson, 24, knifed 19-year-old boxing star Joshua Bradley in the heart with a ten-inch hunting knife during a vicious brawl.

A jury found Johnson guilty by majority verdict of murder following a trial at Nottingham Crown Court.

Co-accused Zaiem Zulqurnain, 20, of Aspley, Nottinghamshire, was cleared of the murder and a second charge of violent disorder.

Joshua, a former boxer who represented England, was stabbed in the chest after a fight broke out in Thurland Street in Nottingham at 4am on February 8 this year.

Johnson, of Hyson Green, Nottingham, was told he would serve at least 25 years behind bars before being eligible for parole,

Evil Richard Johnson was kicking someone’s head in while they were unconscious, when he thought it would be good to stab a White man too.

Judge Gregory Dickinson said: ‘This is an illustration of why Parliament has specified the starting point for those who commit murder using a knife taken to the scene, intending to have it available to be used as a weapon.

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