Black Thugs Follow Unmarked Police Car Before Confronting Them with Brass Knuckles

My Record Journal
January 15, 2015

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Lennon Powell decided to attack some random people, and they turned out to be undercover cops.

Two local men are facing charges after police say they followed an unmarked police cruiser and one man confronted the plain-clothed officers with brass knuckles.

Deondre Taylor, 20, and Lennon Powell, 21, both of 118 Schooner Lane, were each charged with disorderly conduct. Taylor also faces charges of carrying a dangerous weapon, possession of marijuana and operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license.

Just after 4 p.m. Monday, two plain-clothed officers in an unmarked car were in the area of Knob Hill Road looking for a missing person, police spokesman Sgt. Darrin McKay said. The officers were parked on the side of the road when another car with two men in it pulled beside their vehicle.

The car eventually drove away, McKay said, and the officers started driving around the neighborhood continuing the missing person investigation. A short time later, the officers noticed they were being following by the car that had pulled beside them.

Deondre Taylor pulled up alongside the parked car and then tried to confront the driver and passenger.

The officers drove down a dead-end road to see if the vehicle would continue following, McKay said. When they looped around, one of the men was standing in the middle of the road “trying to prevent (the officers) from passing,” McKay said. After maneuvering around the man, later identified as Powell, they encountered another man, Taylor, standing in the middle of the road, wearing brass knuckles, in a fighting stance, McKay said.

Police got out of their vehicle, waved their badges and arrested both men, McKay said.

“They picked the wrong car to do this to,” McKay said. “I don’t know if it’s a case of mistaken identity. Maybe they thought these guys were someone else.”

Knob Hill Road is a quiet residential neighborhood in South Meriden near the Cheshire town line. Schooner Lane, where Taylor and Powell have a listed address, is located off Knob Hill Road.

Powell was held on $500 bond, while Taylor was held on $10,000 bond, McKay said. Both men have been released from custody, according to court records, and are scheduled to appear in Meriden Superior Court on Jan. 26.

They picked the wrong people to try and intimidate.