Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 6, 2014

Forwarded by the Planet of the Apes Occupation Government Commissar Eric Holder, a plan was implemented last year to deal with the problems of black behavior in schools by making it against policy to punish them.
What was said by black Holder was that blacks were disproportionately suspended from school – a true fact – but instead of admitting the cause, which is the behavior of blacks, black Holder claimed that this problem was the result of some form of vague, secret racism on the part of black-hating teachers who had gotten together in a massive conspiracy to stick it to the Negro.

Well, now, Los Angeles has implemented this plan, which includes banning “willful definance” – a typical characteristic of Negro behavior – as grounds for suspension. This has dropped the suspension rate to 1.5% from 8% in 2008.
It has also resulted in wild Negroes taking over the schools, acting without fear of being punished for behaving like wild dogs.
Instead of being kicked out of school or suffering other serious punishment, even repeat offenders get “restorative justice” therapy.
They can negotiate the consequences for their bad behavior, which usually involves “dialogue sessions,” in which teachers join unruly kids in “talking circles” to foster greater “cultural understanding.” Talk invariably turns to racism and “white bias.” Teachers are trained to make sure black kids “feel respected.”
The leftist group that has trained more than 2,000 LAUSD teachers and “restorative justice coordinators” says the program combats bias that contributes to disproportionate discipline.
Of course, it also provides rowdy minorities an excuse for continued bad behavior.
Indeed, the policy has only increased classroom disruptions and threats against students and teachers, just as we predicted in a January piece, “Anti-Discipline Push May Threaten Students.”
While suspensions may be down at LAUSD, student violence and misconduct are not. Offenders just aren’t being sent home at the same rate they were before the federal order. And they’re getting younger and bolder.
“Last week I was terrified and bullied by a fourth-grade student,” a teacher at an urban L.A. school said. “The black student told me to ‘back off, bitch.’ I told him to go to the office and he said, ‘No, bitch, and you and no one can make me.'”
Complained another LAUSD teacher:
“We now have a restorative justice counselor, but we still have the same problems. Kids aren’t even suspended for fights or drugs.”
Even threats against teachers are ignored, as administrators’ hands are tied by the new policy. Knowing there won’t be consequences, thugs can control the classroom, disrupting lessons for other kids, including minorities, who want to learn.
The logic of the PoA government is that whenever something bad happens to a black – in this case, he is suspended from school – it is the fault of anyone and everyone other than the black himself, and thus it is every other variable which must change.

How far can this go? If a black is not responsible for causing chaos in a school classroom, how can he, logically, be responsible for rape or murder or any of his other abhorrent, animalistic behavior?
Blacks are presently punished more often for rape and murder because they commit these crimes at rates exponentially higher than other races. How long before it becomes policy to not punish them for anything at all?