Black Thugs Set Pit Bull on Young Disabled Girl in Wheelchair

October 14, 2014

The disabled girl was attacked at Lings Wood while she was out with her father.

Two men set a pit bull-type dog on a disabled girl as she was being taken in a wheelchair across a Northampton beauty spot.

The incident in Lings Wood, happened on Friday, October 3 at about 4pm when a man was walking through the wood with his 12-year-old daughter, who is in a wheelchair.

Two men and a dog passed them by at which point the girl became upset by them passing too close and flailed her arms at them, which prompted one of the men to give a command to the dog to ‘get her’.

The dog then latched on to the young girl’s arm and would not let go until the father took action to stop it, after which the dog and the two men ran off. Fortunately the young girl was wearing arm guards which she needs due to her disability and this prevented her from being injured.

The offenders are described as black and in their 30s. One was about 6ft, clean-shaven with short black hair and wore a blue T-shirt and jeans.

Lings Wood Wildlife Watch Group photo winning group
Children enjoying themselves at Ling’s Wood.

The other is described as about 5ft 10in with medium length Afro-style hair and wore a white T-shirt and jeans.

The dog is described as a black and white pit bull-type breed. It had black and white front legs, black rear legs, a black and white body and a black head with a white stripe going from the top of its head to its nose.

Sector Inspector Kev Byrne, said: “This is an absolutely disgraceful incident. It is not a case of a dog being out of control, but being used as a weapon in an assault on a very vulnerable girl.

“Had it not been for the victim’s arm guards, she could have been seriously injured.

“I know local residents will be appalled by this incident and I would urge anybody with any information to contact us immediately.”

The Black thugs set a pit bull on the disabled girl.

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