Black Tries to Rape Ghost Hunter by Luring Her in with Report of Supernatural Activity

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 19, 2015

Desire Nahimana knows how to catch a ghost - and White women.
Desire Nahimana knows how to catch a ghost – and White women.

As a good rape is getting harder and harder to come by, Blacks are exploring new methods of trapping women to give them their cultural surprise.

A Black in the UK recently planned to rape a female ghost hunter by luring her into his trap with tales of supernatural activity.

A woman lured to a deserted office floor by the promise of a ghost hunt was sexually assaulted by a security guard.

Desire Nahimana told his victim that part of the Guildhall in Navigation Street, Birmingham city centre, was haunted.

But the 44-year-old took her to the building’s fourth floor – knowing it would be empty – before grabbing her around the waist and attacking her.

Jailing him for six months at Birmingham Crown Court, Judge Mark Wall QC said Nahimana abused his position of trust as a guard at the Guildhall.

The judge said: “I am sure, having heard the evidence, you enticed her there by telling her you could look for a ghost that was supposed to inhabit the building.

“Of course there was no ghost.

“You enticed her there for your own sexual pleasure.

“You chose the fourth floor because you knew, as the security guard in the building, it would be deserted at that time.

“Having enticed her into that quiet part of the building you grabbed her in a sexual way.

“She tried to push you away and told you to stop but for a while you would not.”

The judge said the victim was visibly upset and shaken after the attack on June 23 last year.

He said she had been unable to return to work and was now less trusting of people.

The judge went on: “The seriousness of what you did was that you did it in breach of the position you held.

“As a security guard in this building you were somebody she knew and trusted.”

That is quite a thing.

It may in fact be that Blacks are evolving, in real time, to take on more complex rape tasks.