Black Twitter Devises Master Plan to Stop Nazi Takeover

Daily Stormer
December 20, 2016

The sages of Black twitter have assembled to counter us.

The battle between our Nazi agents and the Black hordes is still raging in the twitter-sphere. The whole world watches, with breath abated, as they wring their hands with worry over their precious, fragile Negroes.

Needless to say, we’re winning.

In a futile attempt to counteract our infiltration campaign, the enemy forces have devised a type of primitive security system to try to vet each other. Unfortunately for them, their system was hacked immediately by our agents.


Black Twitter has come up with the best antidote to racist incursions: humor.

On Dec. 9, Andrew Anglin, founder of the Neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, initiated a campaign in a blog post (using racist language) in which he urged fellow white supremacists to cultivate fake black identities on Twitter and “create a state of chaos on twitter, among the black twitter population, by sowing distrust and suspicion.”

The point was to exact “revenge” after Twitter suspended the accounts of fellow white nationalists, and the hope was to infiltrate, confuse, and agitate Black Twitter. And, Anglin wrote, to “have a lot of fun.”

If you’re not having fun being a Nazi, you’re doing it wrong!

It’s a success on all fronts.

But the battle isn’t over yet. If you haven’t done it yet, set up a Black twitter account today!

But the stunt didn’t play out quite as Anglin hoped. Rather than falling for his tricks or ignoring them, Black Twitter devised its own harmless and hilarious vetting process to weed out the imposters—and had a lot of fun doing it.

This is getting better and better!

Oh, it’s playing out how we hoped, let me assure you of that.

Better, even.

Twitter users have been posing questions under the hashtag #BlackTwitterVerificationQuestions, each referencing an inside joke—many of them Black Twitter memes or trending topics, like the guy who drove to Temecula to take on a Kobe Bryant-hater from Twitter, or the one who was exasperated at $200 dates being normal. The point being that white trolls on the racially segregated internet are unlikely to be clued in to these viral sensations.

Twitter user @iHateDanae reportedly created #BlackTwitterVerificationQuestions after she came across Anglin’s inflammatory post. “I saw it as a humorous way of taking ownership of the Twitter experience we have created,” she told the Huffington Post.

Clever. Very clever.

I got bad news for you, though.

We’ve got some clever tricks of our own.

It’s called googling.

Oh, are you referring to this?

I’d fight over Kobe tweets anytime, anywhere, but if I had to choose, it would be in Temecula.

Why would anyone spend $200 on a date?

Come on, now you’re just being condescending, Black twitter.

Do Blacks even know what flabbergasted means? Also, you might not want to make this a poll, since the Nazis can see the right answer as well.

Hey, plastic bags are important, versatile products.

Yeah, the poll thing again. Sigh…

Needless to say, this little “vetting system” didn’t exactly hold out very long.

Not that we even needed to know the right answers – the Blacks themselves don’t seem too concerned about giving out the solutions, so I doubt this served to “out” even a single of our guys.

If any rookie is reading this and wants to know how to deal with these “verification questions,” it’s quite simple. Just answer with emojis and memes, and maybe allusions to the thing they’re asking about like you’re sharing an inside joke.

The next step: get on the #blacktwitterverificationquestion bandwagon. But ask, like, really hard questions that very few Blacks will even know about. Obscure rap albums, basketball trivia, whatever. Then accuse Blacks of being secret Nazis because they don’t know the answer.

Alternatively, accuse Blacks who make jokes but don’t answer the question on existing tweets of trying to pull a fast one.

Either way, use this new trend to cause as much chaos as possible.

We’re making fast progress. Keep pushing!