Black Uber Driver Refuses Service to White Blind Woman, Drags Her White Boyfriend Down the Street

Tim Hort
Daily Stormer
November 10, 2017


Uber should ban Blacks.

Actually scratch that – Blacks should be banned from everything.

Daily Mail:

An Uber driver is facing charges for refusing to take a blind woman because of her service dog and then dragging the boyfriend 10ft along the street after his arm got caught in the window.

Milissa Garside and her boyfriend David Welch, who are both legally blind, have told this week how the driver turned them down as soon as he saw Milissa’s service dog Theo as they stood outside her home in Boston, Massachusetts, on Saturday night.

Garside, a masters student, had already been turned down by another car whose driver canceled the trip after calling her and failing to understand her because he did not speak English, she said.

When ‘Allen’, the second driver, arrived in his Toyota Camry, the pair were standing in the street.

Upon sight of Theo, he rolled down the rear passenger window and allegedly told the pair: ‘No dogs.’

Welch and Garside, who rely on Ubers for getting around and are well-versed in disability law, told him it was illegal for him to refuse them.

Welch then stuck his hand through the open window to unlock the backseat. He claims this is when Allen rolled it back up, trapping his hand.

With his hand still stuck in the back of the car, the driver accelerated and dragged him between 10 and 15ft along the road.

The driver did not stop and he only broke free when his hand fell out, Garside told

The couple called police who showed up 45 minutes later to take a report. Garside says she has since been told by a detective assigned to their case that he wants to charge Allen with aggravated assault and battery.

David Welch.