Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 17, 2014

In a recent op-ed on Gapers Block, a Chicago news blog, Rachel Anspach, who I assume is black, claimed that violence in Chicago is caused by racism and black people’s hurt feelings.
The evidence given: all the violence is done by black people. And if something is done by black people, it is White people’s fault.
To address violence in our city, we cannot ignore the reality that race and racism are factors in Chicago’s violence. From 2000-2010, the murder rate in West Garfield Park was 64 per 100,000. Meanwhile, in nearby Jefferson Park the murder rate was 3.1 per 100,000. This is a difference of over 20 times. It is no coincidence that Jefferson Park is a working/middle class neighborhood on the Northwest Side, and West Garfield Park is an impoverished, 97 percent black neighborhood on the West Side. West Garfield Park has an unemployment rate of over 25 percent, a household poverty level of 40.3 percent, and 26.2 percent of its residents have not graduated from high school. According to the Chicago Tribune, it is currently tied as the second most violent neighborhood in the city.
The ongoing violence in neighborhoods such as West Garfield Park is deeply intertwined with the above statistics. Yet the city government has repeatedly shown itself unwilling to address the true heart of violence in these neighborhoods: the continuous message from society that their lives are not worth as much as others’. Steve Bogira at the Reader created a chart which succinctly demonstrates how race and poverty are linked to violent crime in Chicago:
The evidence is right before our eyes. And it is not hard to deduce that over a century of systematic denial of rights and opportunities for black Chicagoans would send a message to young men that their lives are not worth as much as those in neighborhoods such as Lincoln Park or Lakeview. The facts demonstrate that inequality along racial lines is not a thing of the past. And it will not go away until concerted efforts are taken to promote racial equality.
Let me get this straight:
Black people commit violence at an exponentially higher rate than Whites because they are poor and don’t work, and that is due to racism, which causes them hurt feelings, which then cause them to commit acts of extreme violence.
That is some serious victimhood you got going on there, sister.
Because I would look at this chart of yours, and draw the following conclusion:
These people are violent for the same reason they are poor and don’t work: because they’re black.
And get this: her solution to the problem?
Build a hospital.
Instead of ramping up militarization, the city government, NGOs and city institutions should take purposeful steps to address the poverty and lack of opportunities in the city’s poorest and most isolated neighborhoods. One tiny example of the city’s lack of investment in, and the coinciding disregard for poor black lives, is the lack of a level 1 trauma center in Chicago’s entire South Side. The University of Chicago runs a pediatric trauma unit, but there is nothing available for adults, leaving the only option for those facing severe trauma to hike to hospitals such as Northwestern Memorial near the Loop. A study by Northwestern Memorial found that longer travel times to a level 1 trauma center increase the likelihood of death from violent injuries such as gunshots.
It is realities like these, that there is no trauma center for the city’s entire South Side — the most violent part of Chicago — that dehumanize residents of the neighborhoods impacted. The response to violence on the South and West sides should not be the band-aid of sending in more armed officers to police and intimidate young men of color. Rather, it should be a focus on solutions that build up communities and show the residents of communities such as West Garfield Park that their lives are worth the same as young men in the Gold Coast. Opening a trauma center would be one small step in this process.
Yep. If you build a hospital for the blacks, that will make them feel you care about them, then their feelings will stop being so hurt and they will stop slaughtering each other.

Here is the problem: black people are not going to solve their problems until they acknowledge they have a problem. As long as they keep blaming White people for their own inadequacy, saying idiot things like “if Whites build a hospital, we’ll stop gang violence,” demanding more, more, more, they are never going to be able to solve any of their issues.
I think that it is possible for blacks to hold together some sort of society, and behave like human beings. The fact that a black family living among Whites will behave like a basically normal person shows that they are at least technically capable of acting like humans.
And some of the countries in Africa, such as Kenya, aren’t really that bad.

Blacks are going to have to be separated. But though we can talk about rounding them all up and sending them back to Africa, that would really be hard to pull off. It probably makes much more sense to peacefully give them parts of the United States. Like Detroit and Chicago.
In such a case, they would have to figure out a way to live without killing each other. And in order to do that, they are going to have to acknowledge they have a serious problem which has nothing at all to do with White people not giving them enough free everything.