Black Who Killed White Man Says He Didn’t Know Murder was Wrong

Daily Stormer
December 24, 2015


How are they to know, if no one tells them?

This is why we need better education in the Black community. That is, more money for them programs.

Toledo Blade:

Rejecting the claim that Lecorius Reynolds did not know his actions’ wrongfulness, a Lucas County judge Monday found the Toledo man guilty of murder in the 2014 death of a fellow resident of a South Toledo group home.

Reynolds, 35, of the 100 block of Dale Street, faces life in prison with parole eligibility after 15 years when he is sentenced Jan. 20 by Common Pleas Judge Myron Duhart.

Earlier this month, Judge Duhart presided over a bench trial in which Reynolds was charged with alternate counts of murder for stabbing and beating to death Roy Roberts, 51.

While Reynolds had pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity and, as an alternative, contended he was acting in self-defense when he assaulted Mr. Roberts, Judge Duhart rejected both claims.

The insanity plea required a finding that Reynolds suffered from a mental disease or defect so severe he did not know that what he was doing was wrong. The self-defense claim required him to show he was in danger of great bodily harm or death when he assaulted Mr. Roberts.

“Mr. Reynolds, you cannot escape responsibility for what you know is wrong,” the judge said.

About 9 p.m. May 2, 2014, police responded to a report of a nude body struck by a train on Norfolk Southern tracks at Airline Avenue and Gibbons Street, thinking it could have been a suicide. But officers immediately noticed very little blood at the scene, prompting them to surmise that the victim had been killed somewhere else.

As it turned out, blood and DNA evidence revealed Reynolds had attacked Mr. Roberts at the Dale Street group home where they both lived, placed his body in a Toledo recycling bin and wheeled it to the tracks a couple blocks away, and dumped it.

In a video-recorded police interrogation shown during the trial, Reynolds at first denied any involvement with Mr. Roberts’ death, but then said he had beaten Mr. Roberts after the victim made sexual advances toward him.