Black Who Murdered Pregnant Coalburner Pleads Guilty

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2018

Kenneth Oliver.

Great, now not only do we have to pay for this nog with a dead/defiled White girl but we also need to pay a huge amount of tax dollars to keep him alive in prison.

Actually, we probably would be doing that with welfare anyway.

Cricleville Herald:

Tensions ran high for the family of Haven M. Foster after Pickaway County Common Pleas Court Judge P. Randall Knece sentenced Kenneth J. Oliver to 15 years for the young pregnant woman’s death.

When Foster’s mother stood to deliver her victim impact statement, the words she had prepared went unread. Instead, she said through tears, “He killed his son and my daughter,” before abruptly leaving the courtroom, followed by about a dozen family members.

Criminal Bailiff Gary Whited addressed the stunned courtroom by stating, “Your honor, the family doesn’t wish to make an impact statement at this time.”

Judge Knece, Prosecutor Judy Wolford, Defendant Kenneth Oliver, and his attorney Josh Hall, all appeared via closed circuit television at the Pickaway Count Jail, where Oliver had been held since his Sept. 2017 arrest. Oliver had originally been charged with murder, however, he pleaded guilty this week to two counts of involuntary manslaughter for the deaths of Foster and her unborn child with a gun specification, plus one count of kidnapping.

Haven Foster.