Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015

As we keep telling you, Black people are wolves who have been taught by Jews to play the innocent sheep. They have made this their collective identity.
A Black man recently proved this point when he was found guilty of torturing and murdering two White teenagers who went to buy drugs from him shouted “Black lives matter!” at the families of the victims.
Fredrick Young and Felando Hunter were sentenced Wednesday to life in prison without parole for robbing, torturing and murdering Jourdan Bobbish and Jacob Kudla, who had met up with them in July 2012 to buy drugs, a local Fox affiliate reported.
Young shocked the courtroom when he was given the chance to address the victims’ families, but instead apologized to the families of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.
“I’d like to say sorry to the families of Aiyanna Jones, Michael Brown, Eric Garner,” he said. “And I want to apologize to them for not being able to get justice for their loved ones who was murdered in cold blood.
“And in respect for the peaceful protest, I want to say ‘hands up don’t shoot,’” he said, raising his hands in the air. “Black lives matter — that’s it your honor.”
Despite Young’s message, Jourdon Bobbish’s mother, Carrie Bobbish, spoke of forgiveness during her impact statement, the Fox affiliate reported.
See. They have a collective identity as victims and even when they are convicted of torture-murder of White kids – which this guy apparently just did for the fun of it – they view themselves as the one being injured.
How are you supposed to negotiate with that? How are you supposed to address grievances from people who not only refuse collective responsibility on the level of society, but will literally blame personal acts of murder on oppression by the people who pay for their entire lives and take care of them like they are children?