Blacks Found Guilty of Misdemeanor Assault After Savage Beating of White Man

The News Herald
August 26, 2015

Ryan Nasarzewski was savagely beaten by Black neanderthals and left for dead with blood pouring out of his ears.

Taylor police officers responding to 911 calls at about 3 a.m. Sept. 13 found Nasarzewski unconscious on the floor and bleeding from the ear.

Police say witnesses told them that two men were talking amongst themselves about selling drugs in the area and Nasarzewski allegedly said, “We don’t do that around here.”

Witnesses said the two men got him down on the floor and kicked him in the head. Walker noted that not all witnesses who gave a statement to police testified at the trial.

Deangelo Clark and his brother both attacked the White man because he disagreed with them selling drugs in that area.

When a witness yelled that he was calling 911, the two men fled in a Dodge Charger. A witness obtained the license plate number and gave it to police, who arrested the Clarks two days later in Taylor.

Deangelo Clark testified during the trial that when he left the gas station, he thought Nasarzewski had just passed out and wasn’t seriously injured.

Anthony Clark claimed the White man said a naughty word, so instead of being charged with attempted murder they both got let off with a slap on the wrist.

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