Blacks Home Invaded and Robbed White Guy – Girlfriend Fought Them Off with a Flashlight

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 16, 2017

This guy seems like kind of a cuck.

I mean, his girlfriend had to fight off these dindus with a flashlight?

Maybe he should’ve done something himself.

Fox News:

Police released a sketch of one of the men on Wednesday. Investigators said the men broke into the couple’s home around 11 p.m. and demanded money. Robert Laster said he gave them everything he had in his wallet.

“I gave them my money, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy them, they wanted more,” said Laster.

Laster said they roughed up his girlfriend.

“He grabbed her around the throat and pushed her against the wall, hit her with the gun across the chin,” said Laster.

Laster said things took a turn when the robbers threatened to harm his girlfriend’s young child. He said her mom instinct kicked in and she grabbed a flashlight.

“They said something about the baby that they were going to hold him for hostage. And when they said that, she lost it and pushed him to the front door and picked up a flashlight and beat him out the door,” said Laster.

Laster said at first he was worried the robber would shoot, but after several whacks with the flashlight, he turned and ran out the door.

The man is described by police as being black, 5’5” to 5’7” feet tall with a thin build, little to no hair, and no facial hair.