Blacks Make a Show That is Good for Black People?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 31, 2017

It has always interested me that we used to have a symbiotic relationship with the blacks.

I have written about how, after slavery, most black people regretted that it ended. All the way up through the Jewish revolutionary period in the 1960s, however, blacks tended to view whites as benevolent benefactors, rather than evil overlords.

Sadly, blacks are very stupid, and they will believe literally anything that they are told to believe. Right now, they are being told by Jews that white people are evil and are trying to destroy them. Which is the reason for most of the outrageous crime they commit against us on a daily basis.

Recently, the Jews announced a new Black Lives Matter TV show entitled “Shots Fired.”

Rather than a serial, it is a ten part miniseries, telling the story of the events that follow after an unarmed white man is killed by a black cop. The angle is, as a black female asks in the trailer, “all the murderin of unarmed black men all across this country and this is the one that the government is investigatin?”

As the plot thickens, it turns out that while the white killing is being investigated, a murder of a black is being covered-up.

This show is obvious and aggressive social manipulation, intended to further reinforce the bizarre narrative of evil cops that randomly shoot black children because they harbor a deep hatred for the color of their skin.

It was created by a husband and wife team of blacks, Gina Prince-Bythewood and Reggie Rock Bythewood.

These two obviously have way above average IQs for colored folk, but instead of using the gift of white-tier intelligence to bring up their community, they use it to continue the black delusion of victimhood.

But Wait – What is This Here???

This victimhood narrative is what blacks are fed nonstop by Jews, to the point where even the higher-intelligence coloreds buy into it and perpetuate it.

However, I was shocked this week when I ran across a preview for a new series on The CW called “Black Lightening.”

Credit where credit is due, it appears from that preview that this show features black criminals as the primary threat to the black community. The hero is an older black high school principle, who uses his knowledge of science to build a suit that allows him to go out on the streets and protect the community from black criminals.

There are no white people in the trailer, which I think reflects the daily life experience of the average black person.

“What is going on here?” I did ask myself when I saw the preview, as it struck me as genuinely bizarre that a TV show in this present political climate would have a message for black people that was not “ALL OF YOUR PROBLEMS ARE WHITE PEOPLE’S FAULT – YOU REALLY SHOULD PROBABLY KILL THEM.”

As it turns out, it is a genuinely abnormal situation.

Funnily enough, it is another husband and wife duo who created the show – Mara Brock and Salim Akil. As the names suggest, they are members of the Nation of Islam.

Nation of Islam is a goofy cult, certainly. I do not support their thinking. However, they are anti-Semitic and they are extremely critical of the Jewish explanation for black problems, which is that they are all the fault of white oppression. Instead, NoI has encouraged blacks to reflect on their own behavior rather than blame others.

They have continually encouraged blacks to get off drugs and to try to get educated. Basically, the narrative they push is the opposite of what the Jews push (although they do still technically hate whites, lol – but hey, all races naturally hate each other, can’t really blame them for that).

What if This was Allowed?

Though it isn’t due out until next year, I have a feeling that Black Lightening is going to get attacked hard by the Jews. Probably they won’t say “because it shows black criminals as the primary enemy of the black community. But they’ll do like they did with Iron Fist, where they claimed that it was “boring” because they didn’t like the alleged politics of it.

It certainly stuck out like a sore thumb to me, and the Jews have the same finely-tuned ability to recognize things running counter to their narrative that I have.

But we ask ourselves: what if we lived in a society that still had a black population, but wherein that black population was not encouraged by Jews to murder us?

Well, I think it would be a lot better. I think there would be only a percentage of the black-on-white violent crime that we have right now. There would still be some, because blacks are just naturally lacking in impulse control, but it would be much less if they were taught to feel guilt over it.

Ultimately, however, it is a moot point.

Because this has already gone too far. We now have such a horrible situation with these blacks, that we cannot possibly ever fix it.

What’s more, there is no benefit to fixing it. It is simply a fact that 99.something% of the blacks are never going to be able to work at jobs that require more than menial labor (plus sports and music, of course), and we just don’t need people doing those jobs anymore. In twenty years, we aren’t going to have jobs for a large percentage of whites, let alone for the nonwhite population.

So, once again, the solution is separation.

However, when we do separate, I do hope that the blacks will embrace responsibility over victimhood. Because as much as I am accredited with being the ultimate skinhater, I have no specific desire to see them fail.