Daily Slave
February 22, 2015

These Black protests are getting increasingly ridiculous and absurd. Due to the fact that there wasn’t a single Black actor or actress nominated for an Oscar, a bunch of retarded apes are planning to protest this year’s Oscar awards.
They are basically saying that Blacks should be nominated just because they are Black and not if they actually earned a nomination based on merit. That and it is all the fault of the White man even though Hollywood is run by a bunch of Jews. Doubtful any of these retarded monkeys will be mentioning anything about the Jews that run the industry. Nope, they’ll just complain about White people oppressing them because of slavery and segregated bathrooms or something.
African-American civil rights groups plan to protest outside Sunday’s Oscars show, where every single one of this year’s 20 acting nominees is white.
However small, the demonstration will revive debate about diversity at the Oscars-awarding Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, whose voting members are overwhelmingly white and with an average age in their 60s.
“The goal of the protest is to send a message to the Academy, send a message to Hollywood, send a message to the film industry,” said Earl Ofari Hutchinson, head of the LA Urban Policy Roundtable group.
“And the message is very simple: you don’t reflect America, your industry doesn’t reflect America. Women, Hispanics, African-Americans, people of color (are) invisible in Hollywood.”
If there’s any good news it is that these protests will fit right with the degenerate piece of art that recently appeared on Hollywood Blvd. depicting an Oscar statue snorting cocaine.