Blacks Ram Car Into California Apple Store

Ben Richards
Daily Stormer
December 7, 2016


These Blacks rammed a car into an Apple Store because they viewed the iPhone 7 as a symbolic representation of White supremacy.

A group of Blacks rammed a car into an Apple store located in Palo Alto, California. After smashing the store’s glass front with the car they ran in stealing iPhones, laptops and other Apple products. They were later arrested as the above mug shots show.

Blacks sure do seem to have something against Apple stores. Before this incident, Blacks rampaged through several other Apple Stores in the San Francisco area. Colin Flaherty did a whole video on this a few days ago.

And to think there was outrage when an Apple Store manager in Australia kicked out a group of Blacks a year ago. Looks like that guy was way ahead of the curve.

Based on this crazy behavior, Apple should strongly consider banning all Blacks from their stores. Either that or they should stop making racist products like the iPhone 7.