Blacks Rob a Hapa of a Pair of $6000 Shoes

Tim Hort
Daily Stormer
November 20, 2017

Avoid selling things to Blacks.

Also avoid getting into cars with Blacks.

Actually come to think of it, just don’t do anything at all with Blacks.


Detectives with the Irvine Police Department say the victim posted a Craigslist ad selling the pair of limited-edition Adidas designed by the singer, who’s best known for the hit “Happy.”

The suspect responded to the ad and agreed to meet at the Irvine Market at 2540 Main Street and buy the shoes for $6,000, according to police spokeswoman Kim Mohr, even though some pairs have been selling for up to $9,000.

The victim– identified as 25-year-old Justin Woehler — got into the backseat of the prospective buyer’s car, a white, four-door BMW 3 Series, and was immediately confronted by another man brandishing a black, semi-automatic handgun.

Surveillance video at the market caught one of the suspects on camera. He’s described as a black man in his 30s, 5-foot-9 inches tall and weighing about 185 pounds, and told the victim he goes by “Shorty.”