Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2015

Further proof has arisen that Black people ruin everything, as a dumb Black bastard drowned at Ohio State University’s annual cold water lake-jump event.
Maybe the water is racist?
For years, Ohio State University officials have warned that the traditional Michigan-week jump into Mirror Lake is a bad idea, but have allowed students to do it. Now, a long-feared tragedy has brought that to an end.
Following the death on Wednesday morning of Austin Singletary, a third-year student from Dayton, university officials said they won’t allow the practice to continue.
It shouldn’t be surprising that Singletary couldn’t swim – he had no arms.
Why would an unarmed teen jump into a pool of water?
“University leadership strongly agrees that we will work with our campus community to end this annual event,” spokesman Chris Davey said in a written statement released at noon on Wednesday.
“In spite of significant efforts taken to make this event a safer one, this tragedy has occurred. We must come together and acknowledge that while this is a student-led tradition that has been passed down through the years, we cannot risk another tragedy.”
Singletary, 22, a junior from Dayton, was pulled from the lake in cardiac arrest at 12:20 a.m. on Wednesday. He was treated immediately by paramedics, but died later in the morning at Ohio State’s Wexner Medical Center.
Caridac arrest? From water?
Had he been smoking crack beforehand? I would presume?
Maybe he just couldn’t swim, just as no Black people can swim?
Back in 2010, five Blacks drowned at the same time.

Black inability to swim has been called an “epidemic.”
Not joking. It’s in that BBC article.
Franklin County Coroner Anahi Ortiz said an autopsy will be performed on Thursday in hopes of finding a possible preliminary cause of death. A final ruling on Singletary’s death won’t be determined until toxicology tests come back, which usually means an additional six weeks, Ortiz said.
Yeah. Either you’re going to find crack in his system or he drowned.
Water, in itself, does not cause heart attacks for 21-year-olds.
I went to OSU, and this has been a tradition for decades. Destroyed because Black Lives Matter.

The question becomes: what will they not destroy?
Will they somehow be able to ruin basketball, we wonder?