Blacks Set Up Website to Ask for Handouts From Guilt-Ridden Whites

Daily Stormer
July 29, 2016


At last, cucks have a means to directly assuage their White Guilt.

Two things in life are certain: death, taxes and Blacks asking for handouts. Three. Three things are certain.

Natasha Marin is a conceptual artist working across disciplines and media to collaborate with People to create opportunities for meaningful IRL and digital engagement.

Reparations began as a social media experiment on Facebook on July 15, 2016.

What if you actually did something meaningful for someone before the end of the year?

What if a stranger restored your belief in humanity, if only for a moment, by supporting you and allowing you to claim something you need in a material way?

I invite People of Color to ask for what we need to feel better, be happier, be more productive by posting in this space. These may be both material and immaterial requests.

I invite people who identify as White to offer services or contributions to People of Color in need of time, energy, substantive care, and support.


I be does a website and shieeet. Now gib monez cracka.

It’s hilarious how this bitch doesn’t even feel the need to mention a reason why random White people should feel the need to give their resources to entitled Blacks. Especially considering that  a large portion of their paycheck is already being confiscated by the IRS to be given to these Dindus.

The structure of this website isn’t even made to be a charity of sorts, but rather something like a classified ads sort of system where Blacks post request specific gibs, while Whites offer their services.

It’s all very ridiculous.

I don’t want to put limitations on this social experiment, but here’s how I imagine it might work:

POC 1: I need a massage. This week.
White Person 1: [posts Groupon with code for redemption]

POC2: I need therapy. I can spend $10 a session.
White Person 2: [posts contact information to a therapist who they have made arrangements with.]

POC 3: I need groceries.
White Person 3: “I’ll get them for you. PM me and I’ll send an Amazon Fresh or Safeway delivery. You just pick out what you want. I have a $200 limit.”

POC 4: I’m too upset to make dinner. I live in Seattle.
White Person 4: “Come over to my house for dinner, bring a friend if you like. PM me and I’ll send you the address, or can I order delivery to you? What kind of food do you like?”

cuckoldry levels

POC 5: I need a quiet place to work on _________.
White Person 5: “I have an office, spare room, house, that will be unoccupied on the following dates, would you like to use that space? I can send pictures …”

POC 6: I want to scream and cuss at someone.
White Person 6: “I volunteer as tribute. How do we set this up?”

boker face

POC 7: I want to escape this cruel world in a *Specific Videogame* but can’t afford it on Steam right now. This is not a crisis, I just don’t trust people easily and want to see if this works.
White Person 7: Thank you for giving me the chance to do something concrete and relatively easy. I was quietly hating myself for doing nothing.

Yeah, this is what this whole nonsense is about. Hardcore White guilt. And it appears that some cucks are actually falling for it and engaging with this “project.”


But it gets better. Another part of the site is called “Troll fund.”

Apparently they also ask for cash donations. Every time they get trolled, 1$ goes to some Blacks (presumably to buy crack).


They seem to believe this will discourage Nazis from sending them nasty messages.



Didn’t seem to discourage 4364 Nazi trolls since the website opened.

This rather seems like a good opportunity to separate cucks from their money.

Hear that, Stormer Troll Army? With each message you send these people, some SJW gets 1$ poorer. I’m getting pumped up just thinking about it.


Yer about to go broke m8.