Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
March 23, 2014

Another 500 African illegal immigrants have broken through three layers of security fences and into Spanish territory in North Africa. Despite increasing naval patrols around Melilla (Spanish enclave), Spain is being overwhelmed by waves of Black and North African illegal immigrants.
“There’s been a mass rush, unfortunately violent, which has become the norm. On the Moroccan side they threw stones, sticks and other objects at the security forces,” Melilla governor, Abdelmalik El Barkani said.
It was a wave of about 1,100 Africans, however only 500 of them made it through after injuring border guards by throwing stones. About 300 were arrested.
The Spanish interior minister, Jorge Fernández Díaz, said there were about 80,000 illegal African immigrants who were waiting around Spanish territory to cross in mass waves. He asked the European Union for help, but because the European Union is anti-White, what they do is hinder.
Many of the Blacks and North Africans that make it into Spain are put into detention centers where often they are released into continental Spain, allowing them access to the whole of Europe.
All and ONLY White countries are expected to have open borders. This is because they are White, and if you flood every country of a specific group of people with different groups, in a few generations there will be less of those people, and eventually none – this is a clear example of genocide. Contrary to common views, genocide does not have to be violent; in fact genocide is any action or policy that deliberately tries to destroy or reduce a group.
Trying to turn a White country non-White for whatever reason, and with any method – violent or non-violent – is genocide, White genocide.