Blatant Anti-White Propaganda from the French Education Ministry

Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
September 6, 2014

Typical French children.  Sometimes, you can't help but laugh.
Typical French children. Sometimes, you can’t help but laugh.

The French Education Ministry uploaded this photo on their Facebook page to represent typical French pre-school children. As you can see just 2 out of the 8 children are White.

I wish a happy return to school for all the children of [Guinea] Conakry,” one post by a Facebook user said.

Another one asked “This picture is in France?

Many posts have been deleted by the French Education Ministry in an effort to silence any differing views on ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’. The Education Ministry quickly explained that it would not allow anyone to say anything against this photo.

It [the photograph] is beautiful diversity” said one commenter. Just more evidence that “diversity” means a White minority – and that’s all it means.

The woman in charge of the Education Ministry is the Moroccan-born Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, who was appointed Minister of Education just recently on the 25th of August.

Clearly in France there is an all-out attempt to get rid of White French people by its establishment. Or in other words, clearly, there is an ongoing program of White genocide in France.

Education Ministry or re-Education Ministry?