Blind White Woman Robbed by Cowardly Black Thief

August 10, 2015

Gina Walters was robbed by a Black thug in broad daylight in the middle of a busy street.

Something many of us take for granted is the same thing that may have made Gina Walters a target when she says she was robbed in the middle of the day on a busy street.

“I should be aware of my surroundings and I am most of the time, except for what I cannot see,” Walters said.

Walters is legally blind. Because of that, she can’t drive, so she often walks to the convinience store on Craighead road in North Charlotte.

But Tuesday afternoon, her stroll home from the corner store wasn’t so routine when a man approached her asking for directions

“I was just trying to be nice and I told him that Sugar Creek Road was that way,” Walters said.

But in a split second their pleasant exchange did changed.

“I had a change purse that was on my wrist and he took it off of me and stole it and ran across the street,” Walters said. “I started screaming and crying frantically”.

In broad daylight, on a busy street, Walters says she was robbed of her credit cards, multiple forms of ID and nearly 300 dollars.

“He really made it hard on me by stealing what he did. The only income i get is social security because of my vision I can’t work,” Walters said.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officers with the North Tryon division responded and are currently investigating.

But looking back, Walters remembers seeing the man in line at the store just moments before his attack.

“When I was opening my change purse, he probably saw the cash I had in it,” Walters said.

But she never expected she’d find herself a victim and wants to warn others of the danger.

“I feel like he took advantage of a vulnerable young woman, that could happen to anyone,” Walters said.

Walters says there is surveillance video of the man inside the convience store that has been handed over to police.

He’s described as an African-American male in his 20’s.