Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 9, 2015
The bloated mulatto Bastard Colin (pronounced “Colon” for some perverted reason) Powell appeared recently on the television machine to spout vitriolic hatred against the White race, and declare his support for Birdman as the President of America.
Colon is famous for being the most intelligent Black man on earth, with his staggering IQ of 87, and for starting the war with Iraq by pushing fake yellowcake uranium documents at the UN.

On with George Stepopopupoulopous, he says that the Black plot to turn America into a 24 hour rap music video is progressing steadily, and notes that they conquered a great hurdle when they made it illegal to give literacy tests before allowing people to vote (LOL).
What this potatoheaded whackjob doesn’t understand – no Black people do – is that it is completely impossible to turn the country into a 24 hour rap music video. If it were possible, White people would endorse it – because who doesn’t want to dance around popping bottles of champaign in front of big booties 24/7?
It is incredible that Colon, at his age, with his staggering 87 IQ, still believes real life can really be one long gangster paradise.
When asked about his pick for next President, Colon said he disagreed with putting Chief Keef in, as “we dun had enuff probems weff dees Chigago niggas,” saying he preferred Birdman, noting he believed the number one stunna could finally find Osama bin Laden.