Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 21, 2015

The bloated feminist sow and taco-addicted baby-killer Andrea Grimes has come out to demand that White men have their weapons stripped from them.
In a series of Twitter posts responding to the recent drug-related shooting in Arizona by a member of a skinhead prison gang, the stump-like hatemonger wrote “we don’t have to vaporize all the guns. Let’s just vaporize white men’s guns.”

Apparently she is implying that Blacks and Mexicans, who commit the overwhelming majority of violent crime, should be allowed to keep their guns so that they can terrorize Whites.
She went on to say “White guys cannot be trusted to use guns responsibly. It is time to stop giving guns to white guys.”
These statements show a complete disconnect from the most basic forms of objective reality, and are standard for overweight women involved in the social justice movement.
Here are some graphs:
Having posted the graphs and charts, I must say that it almost seems ridiculous to post statistics in response to this, as it implies I am being dragged down to the level of these people. If, for instance, an irate carbohydrate addicted female were to pop up and claim the sky is green, would I then be obliged to post pictures of the sky?
If you were to take guns away from Whites, as this blob is suggesting, what would happen is that crime would shoot up rapidly, because the non-Whites would be free to rob, rape and murder whomever they like.
Reality is what has been “vaporized” by these SJWs and their Jew puppet-masters. It is almost as if these people are in a competition to see who can make the most insane statements. But then it must be understood: these people actually believe what they are saying, because they believe their emotions are what makes up reality.
Marxism is about dragging down the great to the level of the weak. Always, then, these people must attack White Men, as we are the greatest living lifeform on earth. White women are then the second greatest lifeform on earth, but these feminists are the lowest of the low (often Jews, but not always – Sarkeesian is some type of Semite, though apparently not Jew), overweight and low-IQ narcissists. The few White men involved (and it is very few) and also untermensch, skinny faggots who feel threatened by the concept of a masculine society.
SJWs continue to highlight the fact that they represent the exact opposite of everything we represent. This makes it all so much easier, does it not?
A reader found some pictures of Grimes that you are welcome to share on her Twitter.