Bloated Hag Hillary Declares Support for Lawsuits Against Gun Manufacturers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 14, 2016

Looking like someone just pumped air into her face and neck with a bicycle pump, Hillary Clinton has gone on YouTube (and I guess TV as well) with a new ad declaring support for Obama’s gun-grabbery.

New York Times:

Mrs. Clinton, seated in what looks like her living room, speaks directly to the camera for all but four seconds of this 30-second commercial. Shown from the shoulders up, with soft piano chords introducing her, Mrs. Clinton strikes a serious and concerned tone: “An average of 90 people are killed by guns in this country every single day. It has to stop.”

She recites two of the president’s key proposals on gun legislation — requiring universal background checks and allowing lawsuits against the firearms industry “when their guns are used to kill our children” — before framing the choice for Democratic voters: “It’s time to pick a side. Either we stand with the gun lobby, or we join the president and stand up to them. I’m with him.”

A photograph of Mrs. Clinton in profile, smiling as she stands before a campaign crowd, appears briefly as she adds, “Please join us.”

Legalizing suing gun manufacturers is an insane proposal.

The purpose is to make guns cost prohibitive for working class White Americans who most need guns to protect themselves from the Blacks. The Blacks themselves will still be able to buy guns with their crack profits and upper-class liberal Whites will still be able to get them – not that they even need them in their gated all-White communities.

But take this to its logical conclusion: can car manufacturers be sued because you crashed your car? Sure, if they’re responsible for some malfunction that caused the crash. But the purpose of a gun is to kill living things – so if someone gets killed by one there is no fault of the manufacturer.

Who else can you sue?

Can you sue a construction company if you fall off a roof?

What about the 97-year-old White man who was recently bludgeoned to death with a spatula by a Black yoof? Can his family sue the manufacturer of the spatula?

We Want More Freedom – Not Less

Voting for someone because they will take freedoms away from you is pathological. Americans should desire more freedoms, not fewer.

Our country was previously a freedom country. Instead of continuing to ruin America as Hillary Clinton proposes, we need to instead make America great again.