Diversity Macht Frei
January 24, 2018
It’s a good illustration of the general derangement of our times.
Here’s how she started. A not stunningly attractive, but at least half-decent-looking girl.
Here’s how she ended up. A monstrosity.
First breast enlargement, then the Blackening.
Middle of January 2017 I had a medical procedure witch changed my appearance fundamental.
First my skin goes darker. Then my hair, my eyes and my eyebrows darkened. Then I noticed that my completely body changed from a Caucasian to a Black woman.
Therefore I went in July 2017 to the government and changed my ethnicity official to “Black”.
Consequently got a new passport and ID card.
I like my new African look very much
Therefore, I will support my body in the further transformation.
I will also change my facial features to African and enlarge my buttocks.
Further more, my breasts will be even bigger.
I hope that the future will bring BIG things
Source: Martina-big.com
In an environment where powerful people and institutions are constantly signalling that people with certain attributes are a favoured class, it is inevitable that some weak-minded individuals will respond to those signals by seeking to transform themselves into members of the elite-approved groups.
This is the basic psychological process that underlies the tranny phenomenon (nearly always male to “female”), Muslim conversion and now this absurdity of “becoming black”.