Blood-Sucking Kike Terrorist Adam Schiff Says Russians are Behind the Second Amendment!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2018

If you’ve already accepted that the Russians were behind the election of Donald Trump – via shitposting on social media – then it shouldn’t be a major leap for you to accept that Russians on Twitter are responsible for the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

You see, initially the Founding Fathers said that no one should have guns. Then when they were browsing Groyper accounts on Twitter, they saw some lulzy memes and were like “LMFAOOOOO let’s give everyone guns so they can shoot up schools!”

That is the true factual history that goyim such as Donald Trump and other Nazis don’t want you to know.


“The Russians are very big fans of our Second Amendment,” said Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Friday, during a discussion with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell as an event hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in Washington, DC.

Russians enjoy seeing Americans being murdered, said Schiff, speaking within the context of Wednesday’s mass murder at a high school in Parkland, Florida.

“They don’t particularly want [a Second Amendment] of their own,” said Schiff. “They don’t necessarily want lots of Russians running around with lots of guns, but they’re really happy we do. They would like nothing better than if we were shooting each other every day, which sadly, we are.”

Both Mitchell and Schiff linked unspecified “Russian interference” in American politics with allegations of “Russian bots” pushing political agitation online with respect to Wednesday’s mass shooting.

The shooter, Nikolas Cruz, was himself Jewish – which shows that not even the chosen ones themselves are immune to the power of Russian shitposting.

Russians actively seek to undermine “gun safety legislation,” alleged Schiff, saying, “Looking at the Russian use of this horrible shooting in Florida, they would often combine pro-gun-control hashtags with anti-gun-control stories that were really designed to ridicule the movement in favor of gun safety legislation.”

Mitchell claimed, without evidence, that “Russian intermediaries” were both involved with and supporting the NRA across the 2016 presidential election cycles. She cited reporting from McClatchy based on anonymous sources alleging the existence of an FBI investigation into the matter. The claim was repeated by news media outlets such as CNNRolling Stone, and the New York Times.

If you are such a stupid goy that it is just dawning on you right now as you hear these interesting words from the chosen one Adam Schiff that the entire foundation of the United States is a Putinist conspiracy, then you are likely asking what it is you can do.

Well, the first thing you can do is support a law which makes it so no non-Jews are allowed to serve in the US government. God’s chosen people are the only ones who truly understand the depth of the Russian threat to our freedoms and our democracy, and are the only ones capable of grasping the fact that in order to stop them, we have to remove all of our freedoms.

You see, the Russians want us to have no freedoms, and in order to make that happen, they have to support our freedoms. Don’t worry if you can’t understand that. Only Jews can understand it, because they are superior. Which is why total control must be given to the Jews immediately.