Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 6, 2014

Bloomberg has published an interesting article entitled “Sweden — Yes, Sweden — Leads Anti-Immigration Shift” by a Mr. Leonid Bershidsky.
Below are the good bits.
Europe’s far-right parties, once a distant threat to the political establishment, may be becoming an immediate danger. On Wednesday, the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats forced the government to hold the first snap elections in 50 years by backing the opposition’s version of the budget and toppling the governing center-left coalition.
Sweden’s political culture stresses tolerance. The Sweden Democrats, however, have a history of racism, despite a recent effort to appear more mainstream. This year, the party had to pull one of its candidates for a parliamentary seat after a photo of her wearing a swastika armband was published. The far-right group won 13 percent of the vote in the last elections, its highest result, giving it a decisive role in the balance of power in parliament. The crisis that forced the government to call new elections was sparked by the Sweden Democrats’ decision to oppose any budget that didn’t take into account its demand that immigration be cut by 90 percent. Social Democrat Prime Minister Stefan Loefven announced he would call elections in March.
“Unique crisis,” tweeted Carl Bildt, foreign minister in the previous center-right government. “Very little will be the same after this.”
Contributing to the crisis was the government’s decision to grant immediate residency to refugees from the Syrian conflict. Last year, Sweden took in a record 86,700 immigrants, the biggest number for a European Union country relative to its population, according to a recently released report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Perhaps not surprisingly, nationalist parties have been most popular in countries with the highest percentage of new immigrants. The influence of these groups appears to grow faster after immigration crosses the o.5 percent of population mark.
The Swedish elections in March, which the Sweden Democrats plan to turn into a “referendum on immigration,” will be a test for the mainstream parties. If they can stand their ground, show voters the benefits of diversity and ensure the German approach to immigration prevails, Europe may even offer an example to the U.S., where the immigration debate is at an impasse.
Don’t know what to make of this. Typical Jew gibberish, I suppose. Doesn’t really seem to be backing up the article’s title very well. Most anti-immigrant parties across Europe are all right around the 13% mark, give or take, with the exceptions of Front National and UKIP who are doing much better.
Interesting that he admits that immigration is what causes anti-immigration sentiment. Pretty well destroys any chance at having an argument right there, but he doesn’t care, because none of these people have any intention of presenting arguments.
At the end he mentions these mythical “benefits of diversity,” but as is always the case – in literally every article which uses that phrase – these alleged benefits are merely alluded to without being spelled out.

The fact is that no benefits exist. The only reason Europeans support immigration is that they have developed pathological altruism, where they feel it is their duty to destroy themselves in an attempt to benefit poor non-White people.
The best we can hope for from all of these nationalist parties is that they present the opportunity for a real discussion about what we are doing by bringing all of these people into our countries. Women will not be useful here, at all, because they are going on emotion completely (generally, women without children support immigration, women with children are much less likely to do so). But if men were allowed to be presented with the basic facts of the situation, without all of the accusations of “racism,” then it would be conceivable that we could move forward.
The opposition literally has nothing to support their argument, at all. They don’t even really have an argument. All they have is name-calling and the ability to silence anyone who questions them through instruments of political repression.
The bottom line of all of this is that if immigration continues, there is absolutely nothing which can happen other than for Europe to become a Moslem Caliphate. No one can argue with that. They have simply been capable of avoiding this elephant in the room up until this point.
If the conversation is allowed to take place, at least the people will be able to decide whether they really wish to destroy thousands of years of culture and heritage, along with millions of years of genetic development, to destroy any chance whatsoever the youth of Europe have to have a future, for no clear reason.
A conversation would give us the opportunity to turn this all back on them: Does this generation really have a right to cause Europe to become a Moslem Caliphate? Where did it get this right? Who determined that one generation should have the ability to destroy an entire people – many peoples – in order that they might feel good about themselves?