Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 30, 2015

It was on his to-do list. And Paul Ryan is actually more cucked than Boehner, so he’s just gonna be like “LOL IDK.”
On December 28 Bloomberg Business explained what form Obama’s executive action on gun control will take and predicted it will come “soon after New Year’s Day.”
Breitbart News previously reported that the executive gun control was expected to be an expansion of background checks to cover gun shows or to cover more private sales by changing the legal language relating to private gun owners who sell firearms from their “personal collection,” the way Americans have been doing since 1791.
Bloomberg Business believes Obama has settled on going around Congress to expand background checks by changing the way current law covers private gun owners who sell guns. This approach allows Obama to kill two birds with one stone by expanding background checks to cover more private sales in a way that will also expand checks to private sellers at gun shows.
Of course, all of the recent shootings this is ostensibly meant to respond to involved guns purchased through the kinds of background checks he’s pushing for – including San Bernardino.
But the point is incrementalism – they push through little changes which lead to more expansive changes as they strip you of your freedoms. The Jews are masters of this art.