BNP Youth Fights Back

Daily Stormer
May 15, 2014


BNP Youth is the official youth wing of the British National Party with membership open to young people (13-18 years of age).

BNP Youth aims to encourage young people to take an active role in the politics that govern their lives now and in the future, and to take pride in our country, heritage, identity and our collective future.

Here is what Huffington Post UK had to say about the video:

The BNP has released a horror show of a promotional video, featuring a raft of humourless youths offering disturbing rhetoric about the demise of Britain… and Stephen Lawrence’s mum.

The three-minute clip uploaded to YouTube asks “who is responsible for the ongoing attempt to irradiate the British culture and British identity?” an irradiation that has seemingly brought our once great nation crashing to its grazed and battered knees. The film also demands to know who is responsible for the “ever growing debt” and who is responsible for portraying “racist attacks as only being against non-whites”?

According to the eight culturally uniform cast members, Blighty’s downfall is attributable to the cultural Marxists that have infected schools and academia; the Zionists that have profited from British soldiers dying abroad; the militant homosexuals, who are trying to destroy the traditional family unit… and Stephen Lawrence’s mum (it is not made clear why she’s on the list).

Islam, immigration and the EU also take a kicking from an assortment of size 5 shoes, as do the bankers, capitalism and, of course, a complicit media.

“We want our land to be a home for our people and our culture,” says a wiry-haired boy before one of his colleagues chips in with a demand return to “core Christian values”.