Bob Dole Endorses The Leader

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 7, 2016

ELIZABETHTOWN, PA - OCTOBER 2: US Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole points toward cheering supporters at a campaign rally at the Elizabethtown College in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, 02 October. Dole flew from Washington, DC, to Harrisburg, PA for a quick campaign rally before returning to Washington to continue debate preparations. (ELECTRONIC IMAGE) (Photo credit should read J. DAVID AKE/AFP/Getty Images)

I also thought Bob Dole was dead.

You were not alone in that.

He’s 92-years-old.


Former Kansas senator and 1996 Republican nominee Bob Dole endorsed Donald Trump for president on Friday, calling for the GOP to unite around Trump in order to defeat Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee.

Dole’s support gives the GOP presumptive nominee the support of another party elder on a day when other top Republicans announced their opposition. Trump inconspicuously announced the endorsement earlier on Friday at a rally in Omaha, Nebraska, as he ticked off the names of several prominent Republicans who have come around to his candidacy since he became the party’s presumptive nominee earlier this week.

“The voters of our country have turned out in record numbers to support Mr. Trump. It is important that their votes be honored and it is time that we support the party’s presumptive nominee, Donald J. Trump,” Dole said in a statement released by Trump’s campaign. “I plan to attend the RNC convention in Cleveland to show my support for our party and our ticket, as I have done my entire life. We must unite as a party to defeat Hillary Clinton.”

In the same statement, Trump thanked Dole and said “he is a wonderful man and it is a great honor to have his support.”

Lines continue to be drawn.

Biggest cucks are the Bushes and Paul Ryan.

Lindsey Graham doomed himself a long time ago and will never hold high office again.

It will be interesting to see what Ted and Marco do.

I predict Marco will hop up on this train.

I still think Ted is likely to an hero.